The Boys Season 4 teaser introduces Sister Sage and Firecracker

By - Che Browndon
Written-on - December 5 2023

Sister Sage and Firecracker The Boys

One of Amazon’s most popular shows The Boys is currently three seasons long with Season four expected to release in 2024. This information was revealed after the completion of Gen V which is a Spin-off to The Boys. This past month, some details about The Boys Season 4 was revealed by The Official Boys Channel on X which was what to expect from The Boys Season 4. Prime Video has now released a teaser trailer for The Boys Season 4 so I will be talking about it. Reminder, this article will contain some spoilers for The Boys Season 3 so be wary of spoilers.

Click here to view The Boys Season 4 Teaser Trailer

Homelander's Trial

According to an information revealed in the past, Homelander will face trial for Lazering a Starlighter’s(Starlight’s fan) head off. This took place in the Final episode of The Boys Season 3. Homelander did so because this person shot an empty can at Ryan who was with Homelander at the time. Homelander losing control of his emotions lazered this man’s head off.

Because of that, Homelander is expected to face a trail. This first main important scene in the treaser trailer was protests between supporters of Homelander and that of Starlights. It was so tense, the protests turned into fights between both groups.

Sister Sage and Firecracker

Secondly, another highlight in this trailer was the introduction of two new Supe’s expected to join the Seventh. They are Sister Sage and Firecracker. Sister Sage was seen giving Homelander advice about how to control the public’s perception in the shadows and when there’s chaos, he comes in to save the day. I won’t talk about their powers and abilities.

Neuman’s Daughter

The daughter of Congresswoman Neuman is also seen in this teaser trailer. In Season 3, Neuman betrayed her dad Stan Edgar for Compound V. Neuman gave this Compound V to her daughter. Her powers weren’t revealed then but this teaser gave a glimpse of what to expect. Neuman’s daughter is seen attacking Kimiko with four snake-like heads coming from her mouth. She was also in rage meaning there’s a huge possibility the V messed her up bad.

Black Noir

A-Train, The Deep and Black Noir are also seen in this trailer. Unlike A-Train and The Deep, there’s a lot of mystery surrounding Black Noir who is presumed to be dead. There’s now a new question hovering the minds of many and that’s if there’s a new person inside that costume or if Black Noir has been cloned. It is uncertain as of the moment but there’s something important taking place in the background.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

This teaser also includes Butcher and the Boys but there was a surprise. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was in this trailer and it looks like he’s going to be a major character moving forward. He might even become one of The Boys as he was seen talking to Butcher like they were close friends. If you don’t know who he is, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is well known for portraying the character Negan in AMC’s The Walking Dead. He also been cast as John Winchester in the Supernatural Series and Danny Duquette in ABC’s medical drama Grey’s Anatomy.


The Boys Season 4 will premier next year exclusively on Amazon Prime Video but as of the moment, there’s no specific release date but expect it sooner than later


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